Frequently Asked Questions

Our Most Common Questions:

Is nutooth only for single unit posterior crowns?

No! nutooth products include Posterior and Anterior FCZ and eMax crowns, Posterior Straumann Custom abutments and FCZ crowns, Posterior Nobel Biocare Universal base abutments and FCZ crowns, Posterior Dentsply Astra custom bases and FCZ crowns and model-free thermal nightguards. You may send a scan for up to three units per case (single units only, no custom shades)

What kind of restorations are available in nutooth?

Posterior FCZ and eMax crowns, Custom abutments and FCZ crowns by Straumann, Universal base abutments and FCZ crowns by Nobel Biocare.

To submit my first case, what are the steps?

Please contact us either via LabChat or by completing the online contact request. We will set up your account and contact you with your login information and other details required to get you started.

What is the turn around time for a nutooth crown?

If you are located within the Kelowna area, the turn around time for FCZ and eMax posterior crowns is 24 hours if the scan and portal prescription are received prior to 2pm. For implant retained products, the turn around time is 48 hours.  If you are out of the Kelowna area, the case turn around time is dependent on your shipping provider.

Do you accept scans from all of the Intraoral Scanners on the market?

Yes – for instructions on how to connect with Schell Dental Ceramics and the digital division nutooth, email . Detailed instructions will be sent to you as well as a user and password for the nutooth prescription portal. 

Can I order a crown that has multiple shades?


Other Questions

If I am a Schell Customer, can I use the same login and password on the nutooth Portal?

No – nutooth is a separate production lab and will require its own login and password. To request an account, fill in the online form or use the Labchat feature.

You will receive a separate nutooth monthly statement via e-mail each month.

Do model-free crowns fit the same as crowns designed with a 3D printed model?


I do not have an Intraoral Scanner, how do I become a nutooth customer?

nutooth is a new partnership exclusively utilizing a digital workflow. This means it will only accept cases through intraoral scanners and the nutooth portal. If you are interested in making the change from analog to digital, we would be happy to arrange a time for our scanning expert to come discuss how to help you make the transition for you and your staff easy and seamless.

Is nutooth only for single unit posterior crowns?

No! nutooth products include Anterior and Posterior FCZ and eMax crowns, Custom abutments and FCZ crowns by Straumann, Universal base abutments and FCZ crowns by Nobel Biocare, custom abutments and FCZ by Dentsply Astra EV and modeless thermal nightguards. You may send a scan for up to three units per quadrant.

What kind of restorations are available in nutooth?

Anterior and Posterior FCZ and eMax crowns, Custom abutments and FCZ crowns by Straumann , Universal base abutments and FCZ crowns by Nobel Biocare, custom abutments and FCZ by Dentsply Astra EV and modeless thermal nightguards.

Will nutooth save your patient and practice money?

Yes! nutooth products are less than traditional crowns, and there are many workflow efficiencies  that can be integrated into your practice which can improve the success of your practice. Utilizing the next day turnaround allows for a better fit, virtually zero adjustments and quicker insert time saving you time and money.

Do you accept scans from all of the Intraoral Scanners on the market?

Yes – for instructions on how to connect with Schell Dental Ceramics and the digital division nutooth, email . Detailed instructions will be sent to you as well as a user and password for the nutooth prescription portal.

If I have other classic cases, that are not nutooth qualified, can I submit them to Schell Dental Ceramics?

Yes – cases that aren’t part of nutooth can be submitted through the Schell Dental Portal  using your unique Schell Dental User id and password. Schell Dental Ceramics product information available at, intraoral scans are optional.

Will going digital and model-free decrease my environmental footprint? If so how?

From beginning to end, the digital modeless workflow reduces our environmental footprint. Files are sent electronically, saving a car and driver pickup; no models are required saving plaster or resin models from being added to the landfills; our packaging is recyclable.

How do I keep track of my digital cases, once they have been submitted to nutooth?

Our prescription portal allows anyone on your team, from accounting to dental assistants, full access to all aspects of their prescriptions. Once logged in, the team can add notes, see invoices, print statements, schedule pick ups and check on the case status.

How do I become a nutooth client?

It is easy!  Contact us via our contact form, or chat with us on our Labchat at the bottom right of the screen.

What is the turn around time for a nutooth crown?

If you are located within the Kelowna area, the turn around time for FCZ and eMax anterior and posterior crowns as well as thermal nightguards is 24 hours if the scan and portal prescription are received prior to 2pm.  For implant retained products, the turn around time is 48 hours.  If you are out of the Kelowna area, the case turn around time is dependent on your shipping provider.

To submit my first case, what are the steps?

Please contact us either via LabChat or by completing the online contact request. We will set up your account and contact you with your login information and other details required to get you started.

Can I order a crown with multiple shades?


Can I send a patient for a custom shade?
